Explosionsgeschützter Steuerkasten

Explosionsgeschützter Steuerkasten
Explosion-proof control box Model: BXM(D)
Spezialisiert auf industrielle Beleuchtung Forschung und Entwicklung, Produktion und Vertrieb der nationalen High-Tech-Unternehmen
Explosion-proof control box Rated voltage: AC 220/380V
Explosion-proof control box Main circuit rated current:≤400A
Explosion-proof control box IP Code: IP65
Explosion-proof control box Certification:Exde IIB/IC T4 Gb/Ex tD A21 IP65 T135C
The explosion-proof box is a customized product, and detailed drawings or parameters need to be provided.

Explosion-proof control box Scope and use
. Suitable for zone 1 and zone 2 in explosive gas environment;
◆Suitable for IIA, IIB, IC explosive gas environment;
◆Suitable for environments with temperature groups T1~-T6;
Explosive hazardous environments;
◆It is used in electrical control system for command sending and status monitoring;
◆This product has various schemes and can be produced according to the electrical system diagram provided by the user.
Explosion-proof control box Features
. The built-in flameproof control switch of IC grade products has compact structure, high reliability, small size, strong on-off ability, long life, and has a variety of functions for users to choose;
◆The built-in anti-candle button of IC grade products adopts adhesive technology to ensure reliable bonding strength;
◆Using a curved seal structure design, with good waterproof and dustproof performance;
◆Exposed fasteners are made of stainless steel;
Explosion-proof control box Main technical parameters
Executive standard
GB3836.1, GB3836.2, GB3836.3, GB12476.1, GB12476.5, IEC60079, IEC61241
Exde IIB/IC T4 Gb/Ex tD A21 IP65 T135C
AC 220/380V
Maincircuit rated current
Number of branches
branch circuit rated current
G1/2' ~ G3/4'
Medium 9mm ~ Medium 28mm
Can be customized according to the required parameters
Installation method
hanging, vertical
Explosion-proof control box Order Notice
1. When ordering, please provide detailed drawings and parameters.
2. The company supports OEM processing, please contact the account manager for specific requirements
Explosion-proof magnetic starter
Explosion-proof circuit breaker
Explosive hazardous environments;
◆It is used in electrical control system for command sending and status monitoring;
◆This product has various schemes and can be produced according to the electrical system diagram provided by the user.
Explosion-proof control box Features
. The built-in flameproof control switch of IC grade products has compact structure, high reliability, small size, strong on-off ability, long life, and has a variety of functions for users to choose;
◆The built-in anti-candle button of IC grade products adopts adhesive technology to ensure reliable bonding strength;
◆Using a curved seal structure design, with good waterproof and dustproof performance;
◆Exposed fasteners are made of stainless steel;
Explosion-proof control box Main technical parameters
Executive standard
GB3836.1, GB3836.2, GB3836.3, GB12476.1, GB12476.5, IEC60079, IEC61241
Exde IIB/IC T4 Gb/Ex tD A21 IP65 T135C
AC 220/380V
Maincircuit rated current
Number of branches
branch circuit rated current
G1/2' ~ G3/4'
Medium 9mm ~ Medium 28mm
Can be customized according to the required parameters
Installation method
hanging, vertical
Explosion-proof control box Order Notice
1. When ordering, please provide detailed drawings and parameters.
2. The company supports OEM processing, please contact the account manager for specific requirements
Explosion-proof magnetic starter
Explosion-proof circuit breaker
. The built-in flameproof control switch of IC grade products has compact structure, high reliability, small size, strong on-off ability, long life, and has a variety of functions for users to choose;
◆The built-in anti-candle button of IC grade products adopts adhesive technology to ensure reliable bonding strength;
◆Using a curved seal structure design, with good waterproof and dustproof performance;
◆Exposed fasteners are made of stainless steel;
Explosion-proof control box Main technical parameters
Executive standard
GB3836.1, GB3836.2, GB3836.3, GB12476.1, GB12476.5, IEC60079, IEC61241
Exde IIB/IC T4 Gb/Ex tD A21 IP65 T135C
AC 220/380V
Maincircuit rated current
Number of branches
branch circuit rated current
G1/2' ~ G3/4'
Medium 9mm ~ Medium 28mm
Can be customized according to the required parameters
Installation method
hanging, vertical
Explosion-proof control box Order Notice
1. When ordering, please provide detailed drawings and parameters.
2. The company supports OEM processing, please contact the account manager for specific requirements
Explosion-proof magnetic starter
Explosion-proof circuit breaker
. The built-in flameproof control switch of IC grade products has compact structure, high reliability, small size, strong on-off ability, long life, and has a variety of functions for users to choose;
◆The built-in anti-candle button of IC grade products adopts adhesive technology to ensure reliable bonding strength;
◆Using a curved seal structure design, with good waterproof and dustproof performance;
◆Exposed fasteners are made of stainless steel;
Explosion-proof control box Main technical parameters
Executive standard
GB3836.1, GB3836.2, GB3836.3, GB12476.1, GB12476.5, IEC60079, IEC61241
Exde IIB/IC T4 Gb/Ex tD A21 IP65 T135C
AC 220/380V
Maincircuit rated current
Number of branches
branch circuit rated current
G1/2' ~ G3/4'
Medium 9mm ~ Medium 28mm
Can be customized according to the required parameters
Installation method
hanging, vertical
Explosion-proof control box Order Notice
1. When ordering, please provide detailed drawings and parameters.
2. The company supports OEM processing, please contact the account manager for specific requirements
Explosion-proof magnetic starter
Explosion-proof circuit breaker
. The built-in flameproof control switch of IC grade products has compact structure, high reliability, small size, strong on-off ability, long life, and has a variety of functions for users to choose;
◆The built-in anti-candle button of IC grade products adopts adhesive technology to ensure reliable bonding strength;
◆Using a curved seal structure design, with good waterproof and dustproof performance;
◆Exposed fasteners are made of stainless steel;
Explosion-proof control box Main technical parameters
Modell BXM(D)
Executive standard GB3836.1, GB3836.2, GB3836.3, GB12476.1, GB12476.5, IEC60079, IEC61241
Explosionsgeschützte Markierung Exde IIB/IC T4 Gb/Ex tD A21 IP65 T135C
Nennspannung. AC 220/380V
Maincircuit rated current ≤400A
Number of branches 4、6、8、10、12
branch circuit rated current ≤350A
Schutzklasse Schutzart IP65
Korrosionsschutz WF2
Einlassgewinde G1/2" ~ G3/4"
Kabelspezifikationen Medium 9mm ~ Medium 28mm
Shellsizeselection Can be customized according to the required parameters
Installation method hanging, vertical

Explosion-proof control box Order Notice
1. When ordering, please provide detailed drawings and parameters.
2. The company supports OEM processing, please contact the account manager for specific requirements

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