Explosionsgeschützter Fahrschalter

Explosionsgeschützter Fahrschalter
Explosion-proof travel switch Model:LX5
Spezialisiert auf industrielle Beleuchtung Forschung und Entwicklung, Produktion und Vertrieb der nationalen High-Tech-Unternehmen
Explosion-proof travel switch rated voltage.: AC220V/380V
Explosion-proof travel switch Rated current: 5A
Explosion-proof travel switch IP Code: IP54
Explosion-proof travel switch Explosion-proof mark: Exde IB/I T6 Gb/Ex tD A21 IP66 T8OC

Explosion-proof travel switch Scope of application:
✧ Suitable for Zone 1 and Zone 2 in explosive gas environment;
✧Suitable for combustible dust environment 20, 21, 22;
. Suitable for IA, IB, IIC class explosive gas environment;
✧ Suitable for environments with temperature groups T1-T6;
. Suitable for petroleum extraction and refining, storage, chemical industry, medicine, textile, printing and dyeing, military industry and
Explosive hazardous environments such as military installations
Explosion-proof travel switch Features
✧The shell of the switch element is injection-molded with flame-retardant engineering plastic, and the joint surface is treated by ultrasonic welding;
◆The overall dimensions and related technical parameters comply with the European standard EN50041, with good interchangeability;
◆Anti-drop connection screws are convenient for users to install and maintain;
✧The installation method is unique, flexible and diverse, fully considering the user's on-site installation;
✧ Steel pipe or cable wiring.
Explosion-proof travel switch Main technical parameters
Executive standard
GB3836.1、GB3836.2、 GB3836.3、 GB 12476.1、IEC60079
Exde IB/I T6 Gb/Ex tD A21 IP66 T8OC
Contact type
One normally open One normally closed
Rated current
Inlet Specifications
Applicable cable outer diameter
Explosion-proof travel switch Order Notice
2. The company supports OEM processing, please contact the account manager for specific requirements
Explosion Proof Wall Outlet
Explosion-proof control button
Explosion-proof pipe joint
Explosion-proof flexible connecting pipe
Explosion-proof and anti-corrosion operation column
Explosion-proof latch
✧The installation method is unique, flexible and diverse, fully considering the user's on-site installation;
✧ Steel pipe or cable wiring.
Explosion-proof travel switch Main technical parameters
Executive standard
GB3836.1、GB3836.2、 GB3836.3、 GB 12476.1、IEC60079
Exde IB/I T6 Gb/Ex tD A21 IP66 T8OC
Contact type
One normally open One normally closed
Rated current
Inlet Specifications
Applicable cable outer diameter
Explosion-proof travel switch Order Notice
2. The company supports OEM processing, please contact the account manager for specific requirements
Explosion Proof Wall Outlet
Explosion-proof control button
Explosion-proof pipe joint
Explosion-proof flexible connecting pipe
Explosion-proof and anti-corrosion operation column
Explosion-proof latch
✧ Steel pipe or cable wiring.
Explosion-proof travel switch Main technical parameters
Modell LA53
Executive standard GB3836.1、GB3836.2、 GB3836.3、 GB 12476.1、IEC60079
Explosionsgeschützte Markierung Exde IB/I T6 Gb/Ex tD A21 IP66 T8OC
Nennspannung. AC220V/380V
Contact type One normally open One normally closed
Rated current 5A,
Schutzklasse Schutzart IP54
Inlet Specifications M20*1.5
Applicable cable outer diameter 6mm-9mm

Explosion-proof travel switch Order Notice
1. Bitte wählen Sie bei der Bestellung eins nach dem Produktmodell aus.
2. The company supports OEM processing, please contact the account manager for specific requirements

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